To provide an easy and secure method to deliver documents to Fiduciaries using Axos products.
The primary users will be Trustees, Debtor Attorneys and staff. To utilize the system to upload documents you must receive an invitation from a registered recipient.
The system provides an alternative method to receive documents and may be used instead of receiving email messages with large file attachments. It allows tracking of sent and received documents. The documents are delivered to Axos Applications through the normal document import process and will be automatically associated with the designated case.
Anyone can sign up, but must be approved by the Recipient to submit documents.
The application is best viewed using Internet Explorer 10.0+, Firefox, and Chrome.
Our site uses industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure connections made between your computer and our servers.
Contact Axos Contact Center to activate your account. Once activated you will be able to invite attorneys to deliver documents to your TCMS applications through the online system.
Please contact: [email protected]